Standing Administrative & Operational Committees
Budget and Stewardship
Every church requires financial support from its members in order to provide and carryout ministries. The budget committee has the big challenge of estimating expenses and raising necessary funds to cover them. The committee includes the Treasurer and the Stewardship Chairman, each appointed annually by the Session. Membership of the committee is determined by Session.

Property Management
Community Presbyterian Church has a large physical presence on the Island. The Christian Education Building occupies a city block as does the sanctuary and chapel building. The church owns another lot adjacent to the sanctuary and chapel. Our property is one block from the beach. Providing for upkeep, ongoing maintenance and physical improvements is a big job. So too is the challenge of enabling community groups to make good use of the property, sharing the property with a Brazilian congregation, providing for, managing and controlling parking are among the big challenges overseen by this committee.

Music and Worship
Music and worship is a committee blessed with the work of providing for meaningful worship. In the Reformed Tradition worship is based on the Holy Word of God and aimed at giving glory to One God in Three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This committee also assists with the special services of communions, weddings, funerals, baptisms and other special worship gatherings in the life of the church.
Other Committees and Teams
Session establishes other teams as needed to carry out the ongoing work of the church. From vibrant senior programs (carried out by and under the supervision of our Prime Timers Committee) to the various ministry action teams now in place and also those being developed. This is a dynamic church committed to preserve the Holy traditions of the church while meeting the contemporary needs of the present and the future. God is Good All the Time!