We are a Presbyterian Church USA congregation that subscribes to the great themes of the Reformed tradition; grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone. We believe we are elected for service under the authority of Scripture and called to be faithful stewards of all God’s gifts. We acknowledge and confess Jesus Christ is Lord. We aspire to be His hands and feet and voices in the world.
Our Church
Community Presbyterian Church of Deerfield Beach, Florida was established in the late 1940’s along the then quiet southeast coast of Florida. A small rectangular worship building was built on the island beside
the beach. God worked through the Presbyterian Church, a small number of devoted Christian leaders and a few families to plant and grow the church. By 1970 the congregation ballooned to nearly 1,000 members and established fine worship and educational facilities still enjoyed today.
Our sanctuary offers the feel of a large church. It seats 500 easily and is adorned with a tastefully lighted cross and high ceilings. The setting provides terrific acoustics for proclamation of the Word, for vocals, for the grand piano and for one of south Florida’s most powerful pipe organs.
Our intimate chapel seats 80 and provides the quiet simple ambiance of a small church.
Briggs Hall, the site of original worship services at the church in the early years, provides a terrific casual informal setting for church activities and fellowship.
Today we are a small church in terms of numbers; roughly 75 active members and about an equal number of affiliate members and friends, but we are diverse, dynamic and welcoming. The church now finds itself in a world that is often neither quiet nor tranquil. Southeast Florida is rich in multicultural diversity and rich therefore in challenges.
God understands and beckons us to stand with Christ, to honor the Reformed Tradition relying on God’s Holy Spirit and Holy Scripture to guide our voices and steps. We struggle, strive and succeed in Christian fellowship by God’s grace.
We are part of the Presbyterian Church USA family of churches and a member congregation of Tropical Presbytery of Florida. We stand with our PCUSA brothers and sisters in Christ in the creedal, confessional and theological statements of faith made by the church…
Our website will provide you the basics about worship, weddings, missions, the path to membership and discipleship in and through the church.
What do you need to know about us? We are fun-loving people pursuing the dream and potential of the church Christ leads. Find your potential, live your dream and love your God here!!!